16 Dec 2017


These are five sayings that have an equivalent in Spanish:


When in Rome, do as the Romans do

Literalmente este refrán significa “Cuando estés en Roma, haz como los romanos”. En castellano tenemos uno con la misma enseñanza: “Donde fueres, haz lo que vieres”.

In for a penny, in for a pound

Este refrán tiene un significado muy similar a nuestro “de perdidos al río” así que recuérdalo antes de decir: “from lost…”

Necessity is the mother of invention

Literalmente: “La necesidad es la madre del ingenio” y es que la necesidad de resolver problemas siempre ha sido un motor de la creatividad en cualquier lugar del planeta.

Better late than never

Esta tradución también es literal y llena de significado “Más vale tarde que nunca” aunque no parece muy compatible con la puntualidad inglesa ¿verdad?

Birds of a feather flock together

En este caso la traducción literal y el refrán español no coinciden, pero su significado es muy fácilmente identificable. Se traduciría como “Los pájaros del mismo plumaje vuelan juntos” y viene a significar lo mismo que nuestro “Dios los cría y ellos se juntan”.

They are easy, aren't they?


12 ways to recharge over the Holidays

9 Nov 2017

The Language of Humour: David Crystal

This is an article taken from the magazine Speak Up.  Read it to learn more about language from the perspective of knowledgeable David Crystal.

Click here to read the article

How to find fulfilling work

This is an interesting video developing six useful ideas to help us on the quest for fulfilling work.  Analyse it and say if you agree with each one.

Click here

5 Nov 2017

Final exams: Features

This year, we have already received the information about the way the final exams will be organized. In these documents, you will find the assessment grids, timing for the different sections, number of words to write in oral production, etc. We will practice with this during the whole school year.

Click here to find out about the general characteristics of the final exams.

Click here to find out about written interaction and written production.

Click here to find out about oral production and oral interaction.


26 Oct 2017

Six problems with our school system

This is the video that we watch in our teacher training course. Watch it again and analyse the problems they mention. Do you agree with the problems? How would you solve them?

Click here to watch the video

21 Oct 2017

Carve your pumpkin

Do you want to get a spooky prize?  Take part in our scary contest "Carve your Pumpkin"!  Take a Pumpkin, make it look horrifying, bring it to our school and wait to have as many likes on facebook as you can!

7 Jul 2017

READING practice

Unfortunately, many of you didn't pass the reading section last June. You asked me for some websites that could be interesting to practice during the Summer. Check these websites and remember: try again and trust yourself. I'm sure that most of you will pass the September B2 test without any problem. We will be waiting for you in our C1 classes next year!!!



Agenda web

ECL exam


Breaking News English

Good luck!

22 May 2017

Guía del candidato 2017

Guía del candidato 2017


Dear students,

Help us have a little feedback from you to know what our school did right and what you  would like us to change in order to offer a better public service.   It will just take you a few minutes. 

Thanks for your time!

Click here to go to the survey

8 May 2017

Eating idioms

Idioms and phrases related to eating:
  1. To be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
  2. To be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
  3. To be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry
  4. To eat like a horse: to eat a lot
  5. To have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food
  6. To tuck into: to eat something with pleasure
  7. Eat like a bird: eat very little
  8. Wolf food down: eat very quickly
  9. Pick at: she had no appetite and picked at her salad.
  10. À la carte: on the menu, with each dish separately priced

3 May 2017

26 Mar 2017

Reading practice

Lately, many of you are asking me about websites that could be useful to improve your reading skills.  First of all, I would advise you to go to the library and borrow a book that you like.  It looks obvious, but the more you read, the more your reading skills improve.

It is also true that sometimes, you need to practice with the kind of activities that we do in our test. You may understand a text but another thing is being able to show that you have really understood it. That's why I recommend you this website.  It is divided into 6 levels. Check that it's suitable for level 6 in your case. 

Click here

I hope you like it.  If you don't understand anything about the page, please let me know. 

25 Mar 2017

22 Mar 2017

Convocatoria Exámenes

In this document, you can check important information for the final exam.  Pay attention to the last pages, where you have the dates and the timing.

Click here

20 Mar 2017

Survey EOI Raimundo de Toledo

Está disponible la encuesta de preferencias horarias para el curso 2017-18   para todo el alumnado. Pincha en el enlace  http://eoiraimundodetoledo.es/?p=2907  .  Estará abierta hasta el 30 de mayo.

7 Feb 2017


Tuesday, February 7th
ROOM 1 (bis)
Session 1:  5 pm, for levels A2/B1
Session 2: 7 pm, for levels B2/C1

This fun-filled interactive session will examine british and international culture and language through the format of a traditional british pub quiz. the audience will have the chance to answer questions exploring different aspects of english speaking culture.


1 Feb 2017


This year, we are going to study future perfect and future continuous. I thought it would be interesting for you to have this information about the different ways to express future in English before going further. Try to review this before studying future perfect and future simple.

Click here to download "Future in English"

Click here to download "Future activities"

16 Jan 2017

The Happiness Formula.

We all want to be happy but the problem has always been that you can't measure happiness.
Happiness has always been seen as too vague a concept, as Lord Layard, Professor of Economics at the LSE and author of "Happiness - lessons from a new science" points out.

This is the beginning of a six-part BBC series. It looks at the newest research from around the world to find out what it is that makes us happy.

Click here to watch the video.

7 Jan 2017

ERASMUS + Rotterdam

English Language training in combination with work/job orientation in Rotterdam, The Netherlands 14th to 21st May 2017

If your are interested in applying for the next visit to Rotterdam with our project OPEN (ERASMUS +)  Click here
Apply before January 26th!

The selection of participants will be based on the following criteria:

1.    Being unemployed / an entrepreneur
2.    Participation and hosting during the visit in Toledo (January 2016)
3.    Level of English
4.    Knowledge of IT skills
5.    Knowledge of other languages