22 May 2017

Guía del candidato 2017

Guía del candidato 2017


Dear students,

Help us have a little feedback from you to know what our school did right and what you  would like us to change in order to offer a better public service.   It will just take you a few minutes. 

Thanks for your time!

Click here to go to the survey

8 May 2017

Eating idioms

Idioms and phrases related to eating:
  1. To be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
  2. To be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
  3. To be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry
  4. To eat like a horse: to eat a lot
  5. To have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food
  6. To tuck into: to eat something with pleasure
  7. Eat like a bird: eat very little
  8. Wolf food down: eat very quickly
  9. Pick at: she had no appetite and picked at her salad.
  10. À la carte: on the menu, with each dish separately priced

3 May 2017