26 Apr 2018

Alternative Medicine vs Mainstream Medicine

This worksheet contains some vocabulary related to alternative medicine -a.k.a. complementary  medicine- as well as statements you can use to give opinions about this topic. At the end, you will find some myths about health.  In our next class, we will check if they are really myths or they are truths.

Click here

25 Apr 2018

Health: Injuries

This pdf document contains two pages: one giving you information about vocabulary related to different kinds of injuries and another one containing some activities to work with those words. Study the vocabulary that you don't know and do activities 55.1/ 55.3/ 55.4.  In the last activity, just answer the questions about yourself.

Click here

12 Apr 2018

The Arts

This is some vocabulary about the arts that may be helpful for you. In the pdf document, you can see some information first and several activities about it later. 

Click here

11 Apr 2018

The Plaza of Illusion, by Marshall Appoh: recommended book

Yesterday, we had a very special visit. Marshall Appoh, from Ghana, came to our school to introduce his book "The Plaza of Illusion" in room #3.
This book is related to unit 10A in our syllabus, which deals with belonging, adaptation to other countries, cultural shock and immigration. That's why it could be a good complement for our course.
This is the story of Osam, a young, struggling, African graduate that ultimately manages to travel to Europe in search of a better life. There, he comes face to face with the realities of life as an African in the land of the white man - struggling to cope with the cultural differences that confront him. However, through persistence and hard work, one day he achieves his aim of getting a white-collar job, his life thus changing from that of office cleaning to one behind an office desk. His inferiority complex leads him to wholeheartedly embrace the western culture, which ultimately creates conflict both within himself and within his small Ghanaian community - as manifested when he returns home to visit his family. Back home, this capricious character is faced with two life-changing choices, and his inconsistent personality is severely put to the test until one side of him eventually surrenders to the dominant other.

Here you can see the author in our school yesterday:

9 Apr 2018

Modal verbs

This is a presentation about modal verbs. Use it to complete the grammar information in the textbook.

Click here

5 Mar 2018

Fill in our survey

Our EOI is proud of being a public institution. The staff involved in our school understands how important it is to know what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong in order to change, improve and become a better place for students and teachers. 

Please, take some minutes to fill in this survery. First, you would have to register here. 
Last day: March 8th.


Thank you for taking part!

21 Feb 2018

Four (recommended) short stories

These are four stories I find specially interesting for you to read. We are not going to deal with them in class, but I would like you to go through the stories, learn vocabulary, and of course, enjoy these four quick-witted authors that have been icons for literature in English.

19 Feb 2018

Forum Discussions

Click here to download the document related to Forum Writing.

Then, answer the forum thread giving your opinion about the relationship between those two people.

Write 60/70 words (written interaction).

Deadline: February 26th

14 Feb 2018

On time vs. In time

These expressions are very similar, but there is a slight difference in meaning.


On time means that there is a specific time established when something is supposed/expected to happen, and it is happening at the planned time.
  • My job interview is scheduled for 4:00 PM.
    If I arrive at 4:00 PM, I am on time for the interview.
  • The flight is scheduled to leave at 10:30 AM.
    If it leaves at 10:30 AM, the flight is leaving on time.
  • The class is supposed to start at 9:00.
    If it does start at 9:00 with no delays, it is starting on time.
If you say “He’s always on time” it means he is punctual; he always arrives at the correct time, he is not late.
If you say “He’s never on time” it means he is always late.


In time means that something happened at the last moment before it was too late; before something bad would happen.
  • The accident victim was seriously injured; they got him to the hospital just in time.
    (If they hadn’t arrived at the hospital, he might have died)
  • I missed the opportunity to go to that college because I didn’t submit my application in time.
  • I left home early and arrived in plenty of time to catch my flight.
  • I got stuck in traffic and arrived just in time to catch my flight.
We often say “just in time” to emphasize that something happened immediately before the limit/deadline, as you can see by comparing the last two example sentences.
There’s also the expression “in the nick of time” which even further emphasizes something happening at the last moment, immediately before the limit/deadline:
  • The teacher said we had to turn our assignments in by 4:00 PM. I e-mailed her my paper at 3:58 – in the nick of time!
  • In movies, a specialist often disarms a bomb in the nick of time, with just a few seconds left on the countdown.

7 Feb 2018

Idioms related to TIME

Idioms related to TIME:

1. Against the clock

Este idioms tiene una traducción fácil, significa a contrareloj.

2. Just in time

También con un significado y utilidad como en el castellano, significa justo a tiempo.

3. Once in a blue moon

Este idiom puede resultar más difícil de entender porque no tenemos uno igual en castellano, hace referencia a cosas que pasan rara vez o muy de vez en cuando.

4. Behind the times

Este idiom se utiliza para referirse a cosas o situaciones completamente pasadas de moda.

5. Run out of time

Su significado: quedarse sin tiempo.

6. Time flies

Este es muy sencillo porque también lo usamos en castellano y de forma recurrente: el tiempo vuela.

7. Time will tell

¿Lo sabes? Es muy fácil… ¡El tiempo dirá!

8. The time of my life

Así se llama una canción muy conocida de la película Dirty Dancing y es algo así como nuestra expresión “de los mejores días de mi vida”.

9. The time is ripe

Ripe significa maduro, así que la expresión es algo así como: el momento oportuno.

6 Feb 2018

Article for the magazine "English Matters"

Do you want to write an article that  would be published in a magazine later?  You can take part in the contest for the magazine "English Matters".

Click here to check the requirements

29 Jan 2018

Books vocabulary

This is a document that you can use to learn more vocabulary related to books.

Click here

2 Jan 2018

YouTube channels to learn English

Practicing English in the classroom is obviously not enough. That's why I recommend you to use these YouTube channels to practice on your own at home. Choose the one that you like most!

1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJtBaL1PPmTc1ff0nsihR0g
engVidWith over 900 lessons taught by 11 teachers, you can learn all kind of English lessons here. Among these 11 teachers, you should find your favorite ones and subscribe to their Youtube channels to get new lessons.  You can upgrade your speaking, writing, listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, business English, IELTS, TOEFL, and more.

2. https://www.youtube.com/user/bbclearningenglish
BBC Learning English. Comprehensive materials for intermediate to advanced ESL learners from the BBC World Service.

3. https://www.youtube.com/user/podEnglish/featured
EF podEnglish. Perfect for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, these video lessons are as good as having an English teacher in your pocket! Created by EF, the world's largest language school with over 400 schools in 50 countries worldwide.

4. https://www.youtube.com/user/duncaninchina
Speak English With Misterduncan.  He is not as good as your teachers at EOI Raimundo de Toledo, but his lessons are also fun and interesting.

5. https://www.youtube.com/user/learnexmumbai
Learn English with Let's Talk. Let's Talk is a convenient way to learn English that combines audio and Video lessons. The mission: to make learning easier by taking advantage of modern pedagogical principles and the latest web technologies.

6. https://www.youtube.com/user/bizpod
Business English Pod. If you want to improve your business English then don’t miss out this channel. You can learn many useful Business English vocabularies here.

7. https://www.youtube.com/user/realenglish1/about
Real English. It has real people and real-life situations, so you get a true feel for how people really speak English.

8. https://www.youtube.com/user/BritishCouncilLEKids
British Council: Learn English Kids. LearnEnglish Kids is the British Council's website for children around the world who are learning English as a second or foreign language.

9. https://www.youtube.com/user/rachelsenglish/featured
Rachel's English is your online American English pronunciation resource. The videos are sorted by themes and contain relevant information regarding rules of pronunciation. You will also be able to practice exercises related to what was taught in each lesson with Rachel.

10. https://www.youtube.com/user/magauchsein/playlists?shelf_id=21&view=50&sort=dd
Easy LanguagesThis UK channel interviews English speaking people on the street about all different subjects. That means you can hear how everyday English is spoken by real people, outside of the classroom!

New Year, New Words!

  Discover 16 Brand New Vocabulary & Slang Words added to the Dictionary in the New Year (2018)

Click here to watch the video