26 Oct 2020

City Quiz


       CITY QUIZ 


A.   Do the quiz and find out how much you know about cities around the world.




B.     Listen to the track and complete the gapped sentences. Write a maximum of 3 words to complete them.


1.     It would appear that there is a ­_____________________ towards urban areas.

2.     There is still ­­­­­­­­­__________________ as to which is the world’s largest capital.

3.     It is widely recognised that Athens is the European capital which suffers from the worst _________________________________ .

4.     It’s not known whether this information is based on popular opinion or on _________________________ from Greek authorities, however.

5.     ____________________ seem to suggest that the Syrians are right.

6.     There is no doubt __________________ about which of the world’s capital cities is the highest.



Online session, October 26-29





DATE:    October 26th-29th, 2020



This week, we will focus on writing, grammar and, to a lesser extent, vocabulary.




Go to unit 6, pages 19-20 in the writing and vocabulary booklet. If you don’t have it, click here to download the worksheet in PDF.

Read the information about writing an email giving advice and suggestions to a friend who wants advice. Exercises in this unit work on identifying who you are writing to and what information you want, acknowledging the sender’s email, giving advice and making suggestions, using informal language and  closing the email by means of colloquial expressions.

Do the 6 activities included in this unit:

Part 1: identifying who you are writing to and what information they want.

Part 2: Acknowledging the sender’s email.

Part 3: Giving advice and making suggestions.

Part 4: Using informal language: phrasal verbs.

Part 5: Using informal language: idioms.

Part 6: Closing the email.


When you finish, check your own answers at the end of this post.


This unit contains a revision grammar point. We will revise perfect forms. Read the information on page 166 in your textbook and do exercises 1 and 2. Do activity 9 on page 11 as well. After reading the grammar information and doing the three tasks, check your own answers at the end of this post.


We will introduce and practice ways of emphasizing and exaggerating. We will see examples of repetition, intensifying adverbs, extreme verbs and expressions with like. You will be encouraged to use your own ideas. However, if you have access to dictionaries or digital media, you could find other examples.

Go to page 9 and do these activities:

Activity 7: decide in what situations you might use expressions with “like”.

Activity 8: Rewrite the sentences to make them more interesting using emphasis and exaggeration.

Activity 9: Match the sentences to the examples.

Check  your own answers at the end of this post.





Part 1:

1      They are friends.

2      He wants to learn German.

3      He wants advice on how to learn a foreign language as a beginner (from scratch) and in a short amount of time (in a hurry).

4      An informal and chatty style.

5      Giving advice and suggestions.


Part 2:

1 so much   2 so good   3 absolutely ages   4 really sorry   5 great news   6 all about


Part 3:

1 If   2 Don’t   3 What   4 Have   5 Make   6 Whatever   7 Avoid   8 One


Part 4:

1 catch   2 pick   3 give   4 set   5 sign    6 speed


Part 5:

1 body   2 leg   3 neck   4 mouth   5 ear   6 head    7 heart   8 heads  


Part 6:

1 c   2 d   3 f   4 a    5 e   6 b




Page 11, exercise 9


1has become= happened before now

2 have been= before now

3 had ... created= before it was condemned and knocked down

4 had been dominated= before the economic downturn of the late 1980s

5 hadn’t secured= before Peñalosa initiated his large-scale reforms

6 will have built= before achieving a perfect city in the future

7 may have failed= before now

8 Havingcleared= before Peñalosa’s administration expropriated the land of a private country club


Exercise 1, Grammar reference, page 166


1 a haven’t called  b don’t call

2 a was done up   b has been done up

3 a had been struck     b was struck

4 a will have changed  b will change

5 a consult                    b have consulted

6 a was / were here (was is more common)    b had been

7 a Having spent     b Spending

8 a underwent          b had undergone


Exercise 2, Grammar reference, page 166-167


1      will have left by

2      had never seen anything

3      having been there recently

4      had been initiated

5      people had not been evacuated

6      to have improved




Activity 7, page 9. Possible answers:


1 intensifying adverbs: remarkably, preposterously, greatly, hugely, absolutely, terribly, deeply, etc.

2 extreme adjectives: filthy, vast, brilliant, dreadful, awful, incredible, tiny, enormous, fascinating, etc. extreme verbs: devastate, bombard, smash, crush, soar, rocket, plummet, etc.



It was like being at a rock concert.‑being at the theatre for a modern play, where the audience stands up and applauds a lotbeing at a conference where a famous speaker gives a plenarybeing at a wildly popular classical music concert

It was like living in a war zone.living with very noisy argumentative housematesliving in an area where there’s lots of crime and maybe gang activity

It’s like Buckingham Palace.a lovely big house that someone has boughta new office that’s very big and well decorated

It was like the Arctic in there.‑a cold store room in a big storea room that has the air conditioning turned up very high

It’s like talking to a brick wall.trying to talk to someone who just won’t listen to youtrying to explain to a bad worker what they’ve done wrong and getting nowhere with the conversation


Activity 8, page 9, Possible answers

2 They’re doing loads and loads of / an incredible amount of building work. They’re doing so much building work the whole city is absolutely covered in clouds of dust!

3 The city’s really, really run-down. / The city is so run-down that half the buildings there are totally crumbling and falling to pieces.

4 It’s really, really cheap there. It’s so cheap there it’s like you hardly even notice you’re spending money!

5 Some areas are incredibly rough / really, really dangerous. It’s extremely dangerous. It’s like the whole area is controlled by organised criminals and there are loads and loads of shootings and muggings every day!

6 It’s absolutely fascinating.



Activity 9, page 9:

1 e 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 d