3 Jun 2020

Online session, June 3rd / 4th

DATE: June 3rd, 4th     

ORAL PRODUCTION (test practice)

These are the cards used in June 2019 for oral production. We will revise them and some of you will prepare a monologue to practice for the exam.  I will give you a feedback after that. Click here to download the oral production cards.

ORAL COPRODUCTION (test practice)

Most of you already have these cards. They correspond to June 2019 and we used them for the conversation that you recorded and uploaded on Padlet.

ORAL MEDIATION (test practice)

These are the articles in Spanish that were used last year in June for the oral mediation section. We will use them to practise our mediation skills.

PRONUNCIATION (Homophones and homographs)

Homophones are words that are spelt differently and have different meanings, but are pronounced exactly the same. In this activity, you have 12 pairs of sentences. Complete each pair with homophones. You have the phonetic transcription at the beginning to help you. One example of this is Eye and I (the personal pronoun). Both are pronounced /aɪ/, but their meaning and spelling are completely different. The same happens with son-sun, one-won, etc.

Homographs are words that are spelt the same but pronounced differently, and which have different meanings. One example of this is “bow”. If you pronounce it /baÊŠ/ it means: when you move your head or the top half of your body forwards and downwards, as a sign of respect. When you pronounce it /bəʊ/, it may have two meanings:  either a weapon used for shooting arrows or a head decoration made of ribbon. Look at these sentences which contain homographs.  Match them with the pronunciation a or b.
Click here to download the task.                                     


Talk in pairs. Imagine the following rules or laws have been proposed for your country. Would you be in favor of them or not? Say why.


                      That’s all for now.

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