29 Sept 2022



Listening activity:  THE HAPPINESS FORMULA.  Watch the video and complete the missing information. Use a word or an expression.

1. The science of happiness says the answer is to rethink everything. The ____________: give it up. The rich: tax them.  Holidays: take more.

2. New York City, capital of the ­­­consumerist world where status has a ______________ sewn inside, but does happiness come in a gift-wrapped box?

3. The ____________________   has increased dramatically and happiness has increased not at all and in some cases has diminished slightly.

4. Put simply, the science shows that once ___________________  are  more than ten thousand pounds a year, extra riches don’t make a country any happier.

5. We are _________________ . In our search for happiness we work longer, commute further, to get richer, to  buy more.

6. The assumption that consumer goods can ___________ all these tasks for us.


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