23 Mar 2023

Genetic testing



 Genetic Testing.

          Listening task.



Step 1. Pre-Listening:

Read the beginning of the news and discuss what the news is about:

Prenatal genetic testing: A growing number of doctors are pushing the ethical limits of the procedure called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD.

Some say doctors are going beyond the edge of ethics. Some doctors analyze an embryo’s DNA so parents…

Step 2. Listening Comprehension.


  1. There is not a 100%  guarantee of success when choosing the sex of your baby.
  2. The American Society of Reproduction Medicine approves of this technique.
  3. The Indian couple is afraid of stigmatization.
  4. In Indian culture, having girls is less desirable than having boys.
  5. According to Dr Potter, the desired sex in most cases is male.

Source and transcript: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6654619&t=1641299618264

Step 3.  Read this question:

Is it ethical to choose the sex of your baby?”

 List some reasons to defend your position. Discuss your opinion in pairs before doing a whole-class debate. 



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