27 Sept 2023




Dear students:

We welcome you to the new school year which starts today.

We encourage you, in addition to regular class attendance, to devote some of your time outside the school to your learning. Only in this way will you be able to see that you are making effective progress. If you are unable to attend on a specific day or for a specific period of time, you can always follow the class through the virtual classroom that the teacher has set up for your group.

Here are some useful indications for the beginning of this course

1. Make sure you are on the lists that the teacher will provide you with each day to register your attendance. If not, you should check which group you were enrolled in at EducamosCLM> Virtual Secretary or Educational Monitoring.

2. Remember that, if your personal or work situation changes, you can cancel your enrolment at the following address at the school secretary's office until 31st October, without any kind of justification. After this date, you must request a cancellation of enrolment until the last day of April, always with justification for:

- Prolonged illness.

- Taking up a new job.

- Inexcusable personal or family obligations that prevent you from studying under the conditions of the on-site mode.

3. In the case of absences, if there are more than 10 consecutive absences from 2 October for the Monday and Wednesday groups and from 3 October for the Tuesday and Thursday groups, you will be notified by post. You will be notified by letter of the procedure to justify these absences at the beginning of the school year justify these absences at the beginning of the school year. Likewise, if the number of absences exceeds 25% during the course (in which case you will be notified using the same procedure as above) or if it is foreseen that, for a justified reason, it will be justified reason, it is possible to justify these absences in advance, if so desired, by means of an application form at the secretary's office of the centre or by sending it by e-mail to the following address: secretaria.eoitoledo.edu@outlook.es

The supporting documents for absences that occur sporadically will be kept by the student. At In the case of prolonged absences, a photocopy of the receipt must be presented together with an application form at the school secretary's office or by sending it to the school secretary's office or by sending it by e-mail to the following address:


The justifications that can be presented in this case are as follows:

- Illness that has prevented attendance.

- Family and/or work-related obligations.

- Other extraordinary circumstances.

4. Your teacher will shortly inform you of the type and dates of your assessment for the current year.

5. You are encouraged to follow the EOI website - www.eoitoledo.edu.es as well as the social networks:

Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter) - #eoitoledo @eoitoledo.

During the academic year 2023-24 the communication channel with teachers will be through the EducamosCLM and EducamosCLM's personalised monitoring module and the e-mails that we will provide you with and that will soon be published on the will be published shortly on the school's website.

In this way, you will be informed at all times of any new developments, particularly if your teacher is unable to attend class on a particular day. In this case you will be notified by through the educational e-mail*. This communication is complementary to the yellow banner on the main page of the EOI website and any WhatsApp groups that you may wish to create on your own initiative.

6. From 26 September onwards, group changes will only be made when the following circumstances occur:

When a new group has been opened in the September/October enrolment, which was not available in the July enrolment. July registration, as long as it is authorised by the Head of Studies.

When there is a justified reason (the student must present documentation).

7. All students are encouraged to participate in classes, in elections for delegates and the school council, in the complementary and extracurricular activities that are organised and in the pupils' association Babel.

8. The virtual classrooms in EducamosCLM and the teachers' blogs are very necessary instruments for follow the classes, especially in the event of not being able to attend.

9. This year you will find the library on the first floor and accessible through the left staircase.

Procedures, dates and coordination of the service will be communicated to you shortly. We ask for your voluntary collaboration for the opening of the library. If you are interested, please contact us via email 45005483.eoi@edu.jccm.es

10. Elections for delegates and sub-delegates will be held in October. The days are as follows

The days are as follows:

Monday and Wednesday groups - 23 or 25 October.

Tuesday and Thursday groups - 24th or 26th October.

On 2nd November the constitution of the Board of Delegates will take place at 18:50.

11. This year the duration of the classes will be 110 minutes.

10:00-11:50 12:00-13:50 15:00-16:50 17:00-18:50 19:00-20:50

More information on the EOI website and on the EOI notice boards.

12. If you have any doubts or queries, your teachers will be happy to help you at any time. In The tutoring timetable will be published shortly so that the teachers can attend to you in case of need.

On behalf of all the staff at the school, we wish you a very good start to the school year.





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