21 Apr 2016

A report

Read the rubrics below , choose one of them and write your report:

  1. A)     An international magazine is doing a feature on your town and wants to include information about healthy places to eat.  You have been asked to write a report about one of the health food restaurants in your town. Include the following information:

-          Where the restaurant is
-          The décor
-          The atmosphere
-          The quality and variety of the food
-          The staff and the service
-          Other possible ideas

  1. B)     You work for a travel magazine and the head editor has asked you to write a report on a holiday destination in your country to be included in next month’s issue. Include the following information:

-          Where it is located
-          How it can be reached
-          Where visitors can stay
-          What there is to see
-          What there is to do
-          Other possible ideas