6 May 2020

Online session, May 6th / 7th

DATE:    May 6th, 7th   


Answer key for activities 1,2,3 about the video “Trends vs. Fads”:

1. Look at these features below. Decide which describe a fad (F) and which describe a trend (T):
A. the society adapts it even though it seems impractical or useless (F)
B. has the power to shape the future of the market (T)
C. doesn’t spread equally everywhere and not at the same pace (F)
D. the process during which the mainstream accepts it is long (T)
E. leads to the development and introduction of other products/services (T)
F. rather doesn’t correspond to the changes in society (F)
G. can be a game-changer but fades away fast T)
H. is limited to some parts of the market (F)
I. results in a short-term success of some products (F)
J. may be connected with changing people’s lifestyle, needs or behaviour (T)

2. Answer the following questions:
A. Why is understanding trends and fads critical for organizations?
It’s critical as when they are confused, executives are confused and may fear innovation.
B. What kind of benefits can come from utilizing fads?
Increase top-of-mind awareness, demonstrate timeliness and get new audiences
C. Why trends are more important for organizations?
They stay for longer and help solve problems for people
D. How to figure out whether something is a fad or a trend?
For example, trends affect some form of engagement strategy while fads are used as tactics.
Think of social media engagement and selfies.

3. Fill in the gaps below:
A. Fads disappear fast when the PERCEPTION of their novelty is gone.
B. Fads can serve as a GATEWAY for new audiences.
C. Trends have identifiable and explainable rises that are DRIVEN by audience needs.
D. If an organization WRITES OFF trends then the evolution stops.
E. If you approach PASSING fads as trends the organization may burn out.
F. Treating fads like trends may result in organizations becoming OVERWHELMED
G. We may assume that trends INEVITABLY affect some form of an organization's engagement strategy
H. This isn't a FOOLPROOF trick but it can help your organization think about strategically incorporating the needs between fads and trends.

Answer key to activities 2, 4a, 5 (reading: “Something of an Oddity?”)

2.    1-D, 2-F, 3-A, 4-E, 5-G, 6-B

regime – regulated system
imperative – vital
yen – desire
outmanoeuvring – obtaining an advantage over
wayward – rebellious
trite – clichéd
otherwise – the opposite
fortuitously – by chance

5. (Suggested answers)
1. Imaginative but weird and impractical ideas.
2. To live in a world where you never have to grow up.
3. A group of devoted fans/followers/admirers.
4. Fail to succeed.
5. A very big ego, needed to create and run her own business.

SIOBHAN: These are the moments that our language assistant has available for conversation practice with C1.2 students. Write her an email in advance if you are interested:
Mondays from 1 pm to 2 pm
Mondays from 7 pm to 8 pm
Wednesday from 5 pm to 6 pm


This is the last unit of this course. In this unit, you will learn to describe mishaps, accidents and injuries, you will talk about law and regulations, you will discuss about compensation culture and you will exchange opinions about the pros and cons of the Internet.


·         Let’s have fun while we learn some vocabulary. Punch in the code and get ready to play Kahoot!
·         Page 142, activity 1. Read the sentence and ask one of your classmates to replace the word in italics with the synonyms in the box. 

SPEAKING: (oral production)

  • ·         Page 142, activity 3. Check the situations or places that they present in this activity. Discuss the kinds of accidents that may happen in one of them and how risky do you think it is.

  • ·         Page 143, activity 12. Think of a mishap (minor accident) that you or someone you know had. I’ll give you 4 minutes to prepare it and then, you will talk about that.

CONVERSATION: (oral coproduction)

·         You were listening to your classmates when they talked about those mishaps, so you interact with them and show some interest about it. Use interjections and ask them questions about this minor accident. 


Page 143, activity 13. Watch video clip #37 at home and compare this conversation and the conversations we had in our class. Take notes of as many new words as you can.

That’s all for now.

Take care,                                                                                           


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