21 Dec 2022

Politics' Idioms


      Activity 1:   Match the idioms to their definitions:

          a. Be corrupt

         b. When there’s no clear winner in an election

         c.  Empty words

        d. To speak passionately about something you believe in

          e. A problem that doesn’t get solved because of political reasons

          f. To give up

         g. A competition/election only a few people can win

         h. To shake hands with the public

         i.   To be able to relate to the public

        j. To be detached from reality

          k. A potentially controversial  topic

         l.  Conform to and express the same views as the leaders of your party.


Activity 2:  Put the expressions in the sentences:

1.       After the speeches the politicians went into the crowd to __________________ with members of the public.

2.       What the chancellor said about trickle-down economics is a load of ________________, I don’t believe it for a second.

3.       The problem with most politicians is that they __________________________ and have no idea how their policies affect people.

4.       I reckon half the politicians in this country are _____________________, you just have to follow the money.

5.       The opposition have decided to __________________________ and accept that they lost the election.

6.       Normally, if a cabinet minister doesn’t ________________________ they’ll soon be out of a job.

7.       Early polls suggest the result will be a _____________________ with no clear winner.

8.       It looks like the election will be a ___________________ between Labour and the Conservatives.

9.       Prison reform has been a ______________________ for years because prisoners don’t vote!

10.   The subject of MPs’ expenses is a ______________________, nobody wants to touch it but I’m sure it’s going to blow up soon.

11.   The new leader of the Liberals _______________________, you can see it in the way he talks to his constituents.

12.   ______________________ Tony, you’re always banging on about conspiracy theories but we’ve heard it all before.


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