16 Mar 2020

Online classes during lockdown

Dear C1.2 students,

As Coronavirus continues to dominate our current situation, we have been forced to cancel our face-to-face classes. However, we will substitute them and take online sessions instead.  Every class day I will give you instructions on how to keep on studying English. Please, take advantage of the lockdown and establish a routine. This way, we won’t waste time and will be able to cover the contents we are supposed to cover.

I will use my blog to upload information and give instructions. I have activated the comments in case you need to ask any questions. You can also ask me questions via this email address aromeroa@edu.jccm.es or via Papás 2.0.  The problem with Papás 2.0 is that it is overloaded and it’s not manageable, since all schools in our region are using it at the same time. I will also try to send an email to the representatives of your group in case Papás 2.0 fails.

You will send me your written production, written coproduction and written mediation tasks to my email attached in a word document.  I won’t be able to mark your compositions if they are jpg, pdf or any other format that I can’t manipulate.  So please:  attached document in word format.   Include your name and the name of the task in the title of the word document.  I will send you the document back once it’s been marked. You need to respect the deadline, since I will be receiving different tasks from different students and groups. If I received a delayed composition, it would be really easy for me to mess up.

We won’t interrupt the presentations.  You will record a track lasting 5 to 8 minutes. Please, don’t be tempted to read it out loud because it’s extremely noticeable. After recording it, you will upload it as an attached document on Padlet.com, the “digital bulletin board” we are using to post the summaries of our presentations. It means all those people who want to make the presentation have to post the summary and then attach the track with the presentation.  This will be the same as doing it in front of the class and your classmates will be able to listen to it.  I recommend you to listen to your classmates and ask them questions about their presentations. Try to use the contextualized questions that we have learnt.   In your summaries on padlet.com, remember to mention your name (if you haven’t created a profile), the date on which you are making your presentation and the title of your presentation. You have this information on my post anyways.  Please, respect the deadline here too.

Regarding the grammar or vocabulary activities, I will tell you which ones you should do and later, I will offer you the answer key. 

I hope everything is clear as clear as day.   If it’s as clear as mud, please let me know and I will answer any questions.

We are going through a very difficult an rare situation.  I hope that at least these online classes will help taking advantage of the lockdown.

Please take care. I hope to see you safe and sound in not too many weeks.


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