18 May 2020

Online session, May 18/19

DATE:    May 18th, 19th   


Page 144, activity 4
1 an appeal   6 non-compliance
2 negligence  7 damages
3 liability      8 grounds
4 legislation 9 precedent
5 a lawsuit

Page 145, activity 5.
1 was held              6 admitted
2 was awarded        7 set
3 sued                   8 repealed
4 was overturned     9 was dismissed
5 filed

These are the moments that our language assistant has available for conversation practice with C1.2 students. Write her an email in advance if you are interested:
Mondays from 1 pm to 2 pm
Mondays from 7 pm to 8 pm
Wednesday from 5 pm to 6 pm

“Woman Loses Seagull Compensation Case”
In this activity, we are dealing with a text about compensation culture. First, read the introduction on page 144 (text after activity 2). This is a newspaper editorial. Then, read the news report and the “list of shame” on page 145 and answer the questions in activity 7.

“Scars: how our wounds make us who we are”
Scars are not just skin deep - emotional and psychological histories lie beneath the healed wounds. In this documentary, we meet 5 different people for whom their scars changed forever how they see the world, and how the world sees them. Their scars are the result of war, self harm, birth defect, cancer and domestic violence which are a collection of stories both extraordinary and every day. These scars bear witness to our lived experience of love, loss, strength and overcoming the odds.
These people are Simon, Helen, Cordelia, Christina and Pete. 
Watch the video up to 11’43’’ (without subtitles) and answer these comprehension questions. If after the first time you watch it you can’t answer them correctly, watch it again with subtitles. 

1.    What was the origin of Simon’s wounds?

2.    Why did they lift the skin up on the right side of Helen’s head?

3.    How have scars shape Pete’s personality?

4.    What was the problem for Cordelia and when did they realize it was serious?

5.    Why did Helen decide not to cover up her scars?

6.    What does Christina’s tattoo mean for her?

7.    How could Simon overcome self-isolation when he recovered after his traumatic experience?

8.    What did Cordelia realize when she was working in the laboratory?

That’s all for now.

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