25 Nov 2022

Identity vocabulary

 These are some words that may help you when dealing with the topic of "Identity":

  1. belong

be owned by; be in the possession of

  1. belonging

happiness felt in a secure relationship

  1. multicultural

relating to or including diverse nationalities or customs

  1. static

not in physical motion

  1. unchanging

showing little if any change

  1. fluid

continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow

  1. participate

be involved in

  1. interact

do something together or with others

  1. marginalise

relegate to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of people

  1. marginalisation

the social process of becoming or being made marginal

  1. self-esteem

a feeling of pride in yourself

  1. culture

all the knowledge and values shared by a society

  1. values

beliefs of a group in which they have emotional investment

  1. displacement

the act of moving something from its natural environment

  1. alienation

the act of causing someone to become unfriendly or hostile

  1. foreign

not deriving from the essential nature of something

  1. disassociate

part; cease or break association with

  1. adhere

stick to firmly

  1. conform

be similar, be in line with

  1. assimilate

make alike

  1. adjust

alter or regulate so as to conform to a standard

  1. connection

a relation between things or events

  1. desire

the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state

  1. discriminate

marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions

  1. prejudice

a partiality preventing objective consideration of an issue

  1. inhibit

limit the range or extent of

  1. subjective

taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias

  1. belittle

cause to seem less serious

  1. adjust

alter or regulate so as to conform to a standard

  1. identify

recognize as being

  1. ideology

an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group

  1. difference

the quality of being unlike or dissimilar

  1. sexuality

the properties distinguishing reproductive roles

  1. conformity

correspondence in form, type, or appearance

  1. inclusion

the act of making a part of something

  1. exclusion

a deliberate act of omission

  1. vilification

slanderous defamation

  1. malign

speak unfavorably about

  1. xenophobia

a fear of foreigners or strangers

  1. xenophobic

having abnormal fear or hatred of foreigners

  1. superiority

the quality of being better than someone or something

  1. inferiority

the state of being lesser

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