27 Apr 2020

Online session, April 27th / 28th

DATE:    April 27th, 28th


Answer key for reading “All Things Must Pass”, page 137, activities 2, 3 and 4 on page 136:
Activity 2
1 Roots in 2008 global financial crisis – men (having lost power of wealth / control) chose to emphasise their masculinity with extra hair. Then spread through celebrity endorsement.
2 Fish who happen to be born with different colouring are able to avoid predators, and their unusual looks can make them more attractive. Bearded men can also appear more attractive because they look different.
3 People follow the trend that beards are attractive and in doing so it becomes common / not rare, so the non-bearded man becomes more attractive because they are in the minority.
4 They follow a similar pattern in building up slowly, but then reaching a tipping point where they explode.

Activity 3
1 F (little could he have known ... his choice of phrase was set to become a trend …)
2 F (‘peak plastic surgery’ is mentioned by social commentators, not the writer)
3 T (Brooks claims there’s a deeper underlying cause: evolution. This infers that if something has happened as part of evolution then it’s not new.)
4 F (in a bid to explain this, he speculates – it can be interpreted that the paper hasn’t proved anything, it’s a hypothesis)
5 T (This will make it less likely to fall prey to predators ... This, in turn, makes it a more attractive partner.)
6 T (As the fashion spread, however, it lost its edge and female preferences started shifted again.)
7 T
8 F (... I’m not alone in wanting to see the back of grumpy cats ...)

Activity 4
pinpoint a very specific tipping point in our culture the question ‘Have we reached peak X?’ started to trend
Emphasise another aspect of masculinity celebrities pick up the fashion
women rate bearded men as more attractive
the paper speculates
enjoy an advantage
the fashion loses its edge
trendsetters champion ideas / concepts / products
postcards urge people

SIOBHAN: Write her an email in advance if you are interested in her convesation practice:

Mondays from 1 pm to 2 pm
Mondays from 7 pm to 8 pm
Wednesday from 5 pm to 6 pm


Your friend Phillip and you had a video call while on lockdown last week. You talked about the current situation and the effect that it may have on global economy. You mentioned the concept “fast fashion” but he didn’t understand what it was. You sent him this link of a video to make him understand, but it’s in Spanish and he texted you saying he needs help.  Can you write him back explaining what they’re dealing with on the video?  Watch the video twice and write 100-110 words.
Due date: April 30th, 2 pm


·         Page 138, track 52. Listen to the introduction to a radio programme called “Mixed Media”. Then, answer the questions in activity 2.

·         Page 139, track 53. Listen to the discussion in the programme. Then, do activities 6 and 7 on page 139.
-      In activity 6, you need to mark those 8 statements with “Makes”, if it’s a point that Margot van der Stegen made in the discussion, “Agrees” if it’s a point that Margot van der Stegen agreed with in the discussion, or “X” if she doesn’t make the point, she doesn’t agree with it or it’s not mentioned.
-      In activity 7, you should fill in each gap with three words. 


Page 139, activity 11. Complete the sentences with words based on the adjectives and nouns between brackets. After doing it, think about arguments for or against these ideas. Next Thursday, in our following Teams meeting, you will debate about it with another classmate. 

That’s all for now.

Take care,        


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