5 Nov 2020

Where in the world? reading task




Activity 3

1.       Madrid   2. Prague   3. London   4. Tokyo   5. New York


Activity 1

a)grubby   b)bustling   c)haphazard    d)soaring    e)in-your-face   f)tacky    g)awe-inspiring   h)clogged


grubby: children’s hands, old trainers

bustling: market, coastal resorts

haphazard: approach to work, collection of people

soaring: tree tops, tower blocks

in-your-face: advertising campaigns, action movies

tacky: plastic souvenirs, seaside postcards

awe-inspiring: beauty, scenery

clogged: arteries, waterways




Activity 2


grubby: the city. Extract 3, London

bustling: restaurants, extract 4, Tokyo

haphazard: modern development, extract 2, Prague

soaring: office blocks, extract 4, Tokyo

in-your-face: the experience of the city, extract 5, New York

tacky: tourist trap, extract 2, Prague

awe-inspiring: the beauty of the city, extract 1, other European cities

clogged: traffic, extract 3, London



Activity 3

a)       To make way for the new

b)      To work its magic

c)       To get your bearings

d)      To fall prey to

e)      To live on top of one another

f)        To put a finger on



Activity 5

a)       Work their magic

b)      Live on top of one another

c)       To get your bearings

d)      To put your finger on

e)      To fall prey to

f)        To make way for the new


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ángel, I am searching for the text to read it, but I cannot find it. Could you tell me where is it?
