20 Apr 2020

Online session, April 20th /21st

DATE:    April 20th, 21st


Possible answers (these are just some suggestions) for activity 8, page 135. Complete those six sentences in which there is some misunderstanding.

1 it’s not the kind of thing I’d wear.
2 I really like the way it is now.
3 that I think the event is going to be quite formal so you might want to wear something else.
4 that we don’t always agree on certain things.
5 it would be a shame to lose his talents here.
6 it’s a great course, if you want to become a teacher, but you have to be absolutely sure that’s what you want to be.

SIOBHAN:These are the moments that our language assistant has available for conversation practice with C1.2 students. Write her an email in advance if you are interested:

Mondays from 1 pm to 2 pm
Mondays from 6 pm to 7 pm
Wednesday from 5 pm to 6 pm


These are the quizlet cards that you can use to revise vocabulary at home. Click here
This is a little bit more vocabulary about Hair and Hairstyles. Click here.


a) Page 134, activity 5. Go to track 51 on your DVD-rom and listen to six short conversations about clothes and style. Match the conversations to the sentences.

b) After that, explain in your own words what these expressions that have been excerpted from the conversations mean:
1.    Good grief =
2.    Stuck out like a sore thumb=
3.    see you as a great asset =
4.    go a bit more easy on =
5.    she pulls it off =
6.    are really in =
7.    Don’t fuss =
          8.    I wish I could get away with having it (like that)

c) Think of an example of a situation (not an explanation) in which you would use the expressions in the listening activity b. In our next live meeting, you will explain them to the rest of your group orally.

d) Watch video clip number 36 in your DVD room. This is an example of what we did in our last live meeting on Jitsi. Two students talk about the physical appearance of people on magazines. Take any new vocabulary and structure that you find there.


Go to page 182 in your textbook. There, in point number 15, they develop an explanation of five structures with prepositions:

1.    Verb + preposition
2.    Adjective + preposition
3.    Noun + preposition
4.    Prepositional phrases
5.    Prepositions which link two clauses

Read the theoretical information and do exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 183.
I will give you all the answers for these activities in our next online session.

That’s all for now.

Take care,


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