22 Apr 2020

Online session, April 22nd / 23rd

DATE:    April 22nd, 23rd


Activity 8, page 135. 

a) Page 134, activity 5, track 51. Listen to six short conversations about clothes and style. Match the conversations to the sentences. Answers:
Conversation 1 - d
(you were a bit of a rock god = past tense, did you spray those on, even in those days)
Conversation 2 – a
 (dress split down the seam, it ended up being a bit more revealing than I wanted it to be!)
Conversation 3 – e
 (smarten up a bit, clients ... expect something a bit more conventional)
Conversation 4 – g
 (look at her outfit, not a trend I like. The general way of talking is not what you would say directly to a person – her legs look as if they’d snap in two.)
Conversation 5 – c
 (not interested in my dress sense, I’ll be in a lab all day if I get it, don’t want you tripping over when you walk in the room)
Conversation 6 – b
 (I just fancied a change, you can have it in a ponytail ... I was a bit sick of it)

b) After that, explain in your own words what these expressions that have been excerpted from the conversations mean:
1.    Good grief = an expression of surprise
2.    stuck out like a sore thumb = look obviously and uncomfortably different to the others
3.    see you as a great asset = we think you are good for the company
4.    go a bit more easy on = use less
5.    she pulls it off = she makes it work / is successful
6.    are really in = are very fashionable
7.    Don’t fuss = don’t worry and interfere
          8.    I wish I could get away with having it (like that) = I wish I could make it work          without looking stupid

c) Think of an example of a situation (not an explanation) in which you would use the expressions in the listening activity b. You will explain them to the rest of your group orally today, in our live meeting.


Answer to exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 183.

Exercise 1, Grammar reference
1 the game on purpose to
2 to his arrival
3 reducing costs we have enabled
4 in the long term
5 accounts for almost / nearly / just under
6 were selected / chosen at random
7 There was stiff resistance to
8 succeeded in bringing
9 on a daily basis
10 with regard to the overall design

Exercise 2, Grammar reference
1 A number of factors have contributed to the trend towards small families.
2 The news that girls are at more risk of online negative experiences comes as no surprise.
3 We’d simply never thought it’d be necessary to take out insurance against / for natural disasters.
4 Reactions to the new trend have been very mixed so far, it must be said.
5 The magazine prides itself on being cutting edge.
6 She just seems to be famous for being famous.
7 The arrival of the miniskirt in the early 1960s symbolised a rejection of conservative values.
8 On gaining power, Napoleon introduced new dress codes in court.

Exercise 3, Grammar reference
2 Hats were essential clothing during for centuries, but during the 20th century they fell out of fashion.
3 They have grown in into one of the biggest companies in the country.
4 It’s a translation of from Arabic.
5 We sometimes have to work until up to / for seven hours without a break.
7 I somehow managed to crash to into the car in front of me.
8 We were very close. She was as like a mother to me.

SIOBHAN: These are the moments that our language assistant has available for conversation practice with C1.2 students. Write her an email in advance if you are interested:
Mondays from 1 pm to 2 pm
Mondays from 6 pm to 7 pm
Wednesday from 5 pm to 6 pm



A) Think of an example of a situation (not an explanation) in which you would use the expressions in the listening activity b. You will explain them to the rest of your group orally today, in our live meeting.
1.    Good grief = an expression of surprise
2.    stuck out like a sore thumb = look obviously and uncomfortably different to the others
3.    see you as a great asset = we think you are good for the company
4.    go a bit more easy on = use less
5.    she pulls it off = she makes it work / is successful
6.    are really in = are very fashionable
7.    Don’t fuss = don’t worry and interfere
          8.    I wish I could get away with having it (like that) = I wish I could make it work without looking stupid 

B) Page 137, activity 8. One of you will choose the right preposition in one question. Then, you will ask that question to one of your classmates. 

C) Check this PDF document (Click here) or take a look at the activities below:



Reading, page 137: read the text titled “All Things Must Pass”. Then, do activities 2, 3 and 4 on page 136.

That’s all for now.

Take care,


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